Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snow day!

Morgan had another snow day yesterday! She just had one exactly two weeks ago. You'd think we'd had tons of snow, but really it's only because of some freezing on the roads and we are not equipped to keep the roads clear and safe so early in the mornings. All of middle TN was closed. Morgan was excited when she woke up, almost an hour later than normal, and realized what was going on since I hadn't come to wake her up. It did snow off and on all day, which was beautiful, but we never had enough to even play in! We even were able to meet Jason for lunch at the Olive Garden. That was a special treat and got us out of the house. It was actually kind of fun to have them both home again. The girls are really at an age that they play well together and enjoy coming up with games to play. Then, they usually fight and argue for the next 10 minutes, and then are playing sweetly again! Their favorite game yesterday involved my huge workout ball (the kind you sit on to do sit-ups). Morgan laid at the bottom of our staircase covered with a blanket and Mollie went to the top of the steps with the ball. She then would roll it down to bounce off of Morgan. Each time Morgan would just giggle and stay covered up, while poor little Mollie hiked down the stairs to retrieve the ball and then back up to do it all over again. It was great to watch and listen until it started to scare me how hard it would sometimes hit our glass door leading onto the deck! I had to make them use a smaller ball! I cleaned out the fridge and sprayed down every shelf and drawer while all this was happening! My nesting begins gradually....

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