Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Boy or Girl.....What will it be????

We're just 2 days from the big appointment! I'm very excited, but also nervous at the same time. I truly don't care what it is, as long as it's healthy. I don't have a "gut feeling" of which I think it is either. In some ways, having another girl seems easier since we have clothes, bedding and toys already... but experiencing a boy would be great too. Jason would love to have a son. And Mollie is dead set in her stubborn little head that it is a boy baby and she's having a baby brother! The only reasoning I can figure is that I keep Hudson (18 month old) and she LOVES her cousin Bennett, so most of the younger kids she's around are boys. I keep trying to tell her that we can't just decide what we want it to be and that's it, but that we'll get whatever God wants us to have. It's not sinking into her hard head! Morgan, on the other hand, wants another girl. This surprised me since she already has a sister; I though she'd want a brother this time. When I questioned it, she turned to Mollie and said, "Do you want him to hit you all the time and be rough?" HA HA!! She's 6, and to her, all boys are rough and hit!!! She's forgetting that she'll be 6 1/2 years older than this baby and by the time it's her age, she'll be 12!! AUGH!!***Take note-a funny comment from Morgan. I feel like all my funny stories are from Mollie, since Morgan is older and thinks things through more.

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