Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quick update of the week!

As usual, we were very busy last week. Jason was in Atlanta Tuesday through Thursday, I tutored right after school on Tues and Thurs (those are also the days that Mollie is in school), and on Wednesday, I babysat Hudson -my next door neighbor's 18 month old grandson. He usually comes on Mondays, but we had to switch this week. So then, Wednesday ended up being a "SNOW DAY" and Morgan didn't have school. She was very excited since this was her very first snow day and first day being home to play with Hudson. It snowed a little but nothing huge, but there were a lot of icy roads apparantly! So I had all 3 of them home that day. Plus, I had procrastinated on getting the Valentines they needed to exchange at school the next day, and now the roads were icy. I really was going to go the easy route this year and buy them and not be super mom. But, I don't drive in bad weather, so we sponge painted hearts and made our own Valentines all morning (20 for Morgan and 6 for Mollie, plus a Valentine card for Hudson's parents). Then I had to make decorated sugar cookies for Morgan's party on Thursday. I couldn't wait until evening because I had to teach a class at church. So, needless to say it was a very busy morning in the Herring household. Naptime was at 1....I slept about an hour, Morgan-2, Mollie-3 and Hudson-4!!! Then, Hudson left at 5pm and I bathed the girls quickly before church. Just call me Super Mom!!!

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