Monday, December 1, 2008


We have returned from a long weekend in Birmingham for Thanksgiving. I got a little shopping done but couldn't take full advantage of the Friday deals due to a Herring family picture at 10am! Obviously, I didn't schedule the time. Jason's mom and I headed out around 5:15 and were back by 8am to get cleaned up for the pictures. We were at a beautiful park (but it was a cloudy, gloomy day) but I felt like I was constantly getting on to the girls about running, climbing, etc in their dresses. We weren't exactly dressed to "play" at the park!
Most pictures turned out okay but Mia was tired and wouldn't smile for anything! Here are a few from my camera....I haven't seen the real proofs yet!

This is J's cousin Bryan and his wife Jenny's youngest daughter, Megan, who is 5 months older than Mia.
Lots of smiles from Mia later in the weekend ....just not while wearing red for card pictures!!
I know I shouldn't do this, but they hardly ever all take a bath together anymore. I made everyone cover any private parts!


Anonymous said...

too bad we don't see pussy

Anonymous said...

i have thousands if you want from new born up girl or boy