Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mollie's black eye

Sunday night at Life Group, Mollie and a boy about her size collided heads. Well, his head, her face! He ran to tell me they'd hit heads and she was flat on the ground. When she finally came to me, she hadn't taken that first breath yet and she already had a blue goose egg under her eye. We've never had a facial injury before. We immediately got her some ice, which she didn't want to hold on until I showed it to her. She is so tough...it has hardly slowed her down. The only picture of the bump was on my cell phone, but here's the black eye on Tuesday.

It actually looks a little worse in real life than I can capture in a picture. Her nose is a little swollen now too!

1 comment:

Jessica Noelle said...

Poor Mollie! That's quite a black eye! She can keep up with those boys!