Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Proud moment as a parent!

Morgan has always been very smart. Since she's known her letters and sounds for years now, I really expected her to read before she started school. She recognized a few words, but wasn't really reading. If we told her to sound it out, she could, but it just didn't happen naturally yet. This year in Kindergarten, she has 3 parts of homework each night. (Remember she goes to a magnet school so it's very accelerated) She always has a page of handwriting practice, a book to read to us each night and then 10 sight words that they have a test on on Fridays. Lately, the books have gotten harder, but I've noticed that she is reading them well earlier in the week. Well, yesterday she came home with a new one for the week, but read it to me with no help right after school before her nap. She felt so good about it that she read it 3 more times last night. I sent it back this morning with a note asking for a different one since she had already mastered that one. Within 2 hours, I got a message from her teacher saying she had tested into the AR program (where they pick and read books from certain levels and then take computer tests on them) at a 1.4-2.4 level. That means that she is already reading between a 1st grade and 4 months to 2nd grade and 4 months level! Her teacher said this is AWESOME for the first time testing! We feel so proud! It all just finally clicked within the last month or so and now she's wanting and trying to read everything!

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