Thursday, January 24, 2008

Studious Morgan

As most of you know, Morgan is in Kindergarten this year and is loving it. She doesn't like that I have to wake her at 6am every morning and is extremely tired by the end of the day and especially by the end of the week, but she is doing great. She is reading all kinds of things and has mastered addition and subtraction, telling time on the hour and half hour and much more. A funny story about substraction....apparantly her teacher usually puts "counters" on the tables that they are supposed to use to tangibly figure out the answers. One day last week, she came home and said, "I didn't use my counters today. I just did it on my fingers and it was MUCH faster!" Her school is a magnet school, which means that the kids had to test into it and they move at an accelerated rate, while focusing on the arts. She is in Spanish this six weeks, and will also have PE, Art, Dance, Computers and Music throughout the year.
This is her teacher, Ms. Cockrell (not Ms. Cockroach, as she called her the first week!) and Morgan doing her homework on the barstool.


Amanda said...

Yay Lori! It looks great. Blogging is really easy once you get the hang of it- it is kind of addictive. When I have anything that can think of adding, I just do it when I check my email. That way it is like one big email to everyone and no one gets left out:)

Amanda said...

I tagged you- check my blog to see what i am talking about