It was wonderful to get away to Florida for Spring Break this year. Things got a little hectic/ busy once the 10 0f us were all together but it was great to be together. The girls and Bennett loved playing together as cousins.
The girls were sooo excited to fly for the first time! Well, Morgan flew when she was a year old but doesn't remember. Here we were waiting at the of the times. We took off for about 10 minutes the first time, smelled a horrible smell, turned around and landed back in Nashville. After deboarding for about an hour, they figured out that the plane had hit a bird the day before and hadn't gotten it cleaned out well...hence the smell.

Here are the girls in front of the pretty flowers at our condo.

Lori, Craig and Bennett and Morgan enjoying the lazy river at the condo!

Grandpa taking the big girls on a ride that gets you wet!

Bennett wanted to hold Uncle Jason's looks a little difficult because of the height difference! Aren't they cute?

The kids with Shamu at SeaWorld!

Mia is the best baby! She just went wherever we took her and only fussed when she was tired.

Fireworks over castle at Magic Kingdom

All of us (except for me and Dad) watching fireworks

The kids resting in a stroller

at Sea pic huh?

girls on carusel...

Mia taking a rest on Grandma during the Shamu show!

Check out the Cinderella and prince in the bushes at Epcot!

Aurora and prince

parade at Magic Kingdom

After a long day, and then an evening at Downtown Disney...we got locked out of our room around 10pm on our last night there. We really thought that Dad had the check-out day off, but turns out, the battery in our door opener (all the keys are cards) needed replacing. Aren't the 4 kids cute?