Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008!

We Trick-or-Treated for a short time tonight before the girls got cold and tired of walking and wanted to come home! I think they had a better time answering the door and handing out the candy. At least Mollie didn't cry and go hysterical this year at every mask or painted face she saw. She only cried once because of a dog!

Mia must be thinking..."Do I really have to wear this huge fluffy dress again?!"

Our three princesses...
Here's how Mia felt after her first night of trick-or-treating! Check out her thunder thighs!

1 comment:

Candie Bowen said...

Just checking up on your family! I love Mia's tiny princess dress- adorable! Looks like everyone is doing well & having a great fall. Walden Farms is right down the street from us! I'm assuming that Jason is LOVING AL football as much as Craig is!