Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Festival with church group at Pumpkin Farm

As soon as we returned from our weekend in Birmingham, we hurried and got ready for our church's Fall Festival at the Pumpkin Farm. The kids were supposed to wear their costumes, but when you're a princess, it's a little difficult to run around a farm! We made do and had lots of fun. ...ready to leave...I had Mia propped up in a Bumbo seat so I could get her dress better but she couldn't hold herself very well!

Mollie and Morgan...
Mollie feeding some goats!
They finally made their way out of the corn maze!
A family picture ...except Sleeping Beauty (aka Mia) was asleep and I wasn't about to wake her for a picture!
The girls with some of their friends.Cinderella and Snow White

Pumping water at a well...
They loved the tire swing!
..another sister shot

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the costumes! So, now you have to add to the family so that you can have Ariel and Jasmine too!