Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Morgan's Ram Run

Last Friday, Morgan's school had a fundraiser called the Ram Run. The kids simply raised money and then for an hour got to run/walk around the track to some fun music. The didn't mind younger siblings being there since it was all outside so Mollie, Mia and I got to go and "help" (actually just observe!). Here are some pictures from Friday....
Morgan's class...

Morgan and Emma ....
Morgan and Mollie taking a water break. I thought this was so cute of them sitting the same way from behind!
Mia being a sweet girl! She loves it outside...
This is just a cute picture ready for church last Wednesday night. They're all wearing denim dresses...not identical but close enough. And no, Morgan isn't usually allowed to hold Mia standing up, just this one time for the picture!

This first picture is soooo Mollie...standing with her hand on her hip and not looking where she's supposed to be!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Lori! Cute girls! Can I put you as a link on my blog so that I can keep up? We have a blogspot too!