Monday, September 8, 2008

Funny conversation with Mollie

As difficult as Mollie used to be, she has really turned into a very loving, sweet little girl. She is a very deep thinker and always planning ahead (I joke that she's my little calendar..always asking where we're going tomorrow or what we have to do!). She just randomly will say, "Mommy, I wuv (love) you!" And she does this about 15 times a day. It is precious! Well, today she had said it to me about 5x just on our trip to one store and to pick up Morgan from school. Mia was crying on the way home and she again told me this. Here is how the conversation went...
Mollie: Mommy, I wuv you!
Lori: I love you too, Mollie! And Morgan and Mia and Daddy too!
Mollie: I love Mia too....but she's crying.
Lori: I love her even when she's crying.
Mollie: (after a short pause) I love her too when she's crying...a little bit. But I can't hear the music!!!

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