Monday, June 30, 2008
Almost time!
I had my last doctor's appointment today and all is on for Wednesday morning. My ultrasound looked good. Unfortunately, this one is strictly to check the well-being of the baby and it is very hard to see things. Compared to a 20week ultrasound where in one screen you can see the whole body, now all that fits on the screen is the head! We saw head, lungs (which she was breathing on her own already so the tech said that she was ready!), 4 chambers of the heart, kidneys, stomach and a leg bone. No exciting pictures though really, she's just too big now. All my measurements were right on though. The surprising thing is that the weight prediction was just at 7lbs 15oz!!! I was shocked! She said that's just based on the bones and organs, that they can't measure fat. I don't understand how the other two girls could be so big and not this one, but we'll see! One more day at home.....we'll let you know! Pray for smooth and quick delivery!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Shower for Joy Marie
On Saturday, I helped give a shower for a college friend. I had recently been to a shower for another friend having a boy and it was the cutest thing I'd seen in a very long time. Everything was insect/frog related ...from the decor to the food. Fortunately, they let me borrow all their stuff and we did our own version this weekend.

This was Dirt cake that we ate out of flower pots with chocolate rocks on top of the dirt (Oreos). We also drank our punch from small Mason jars!
....Catapillar grapes
Our pool is finally open! We're trying to go as much as possible in the next 8 days! The girls prefer every day!
This was Dirt cake that we ate out of flower pots with chocolate rocks on top of the dirt (Oreos). We also drank our punch from small Mason jars!
....Catapillar grapes
Our pool is finally open! We're trying to go as much as possible in the next 8 days! The girls prefer every day!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
So much for something in June!
Okay, now we're scheduled for an induction on July 2nd. I just got out of the shower and had a message on my cell phone. Not sure if the hospital was booked for the 30th, or if the nurse just didn't get called in time, or if they were skeptical since it was a little earlier than they like to induce. Anyway, we're down for Wed, July 2nd, and will most likely be bringing baby Mia home on the 4th! 2 more weeks...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday morning, the girls had a "Big Sister/Sibling" class at the hospital. They learned things about how to hold the baby, ways they can help us, about the cord, etc. Both were supposed to bring a baby to learn to diaper and then were taken on a tour to see a room where I'd deliver and then to the nursery to see the babies. They both loved it and received a pink t-shirt at the end saying "I'm a big sister" that they HAD to put on the second we got home! Morgan has asked many questions and listens well so she answered lots of questions easily. She raised her hand for one about what the cord is for and the nurse teaching said she could just teach the rest of the class. We saw a baby that was 11 lbs 11 1/2 oz!!!!! She was enormous! Here are some pics from their class.
Here are the girls trying to diaper their babies!
Morgan succeeded and was so proud!
Our day lillies bloomed for the first time Saturday!
Induction plans again!
I had my 36 week appointment on Thursday. I was just dilated 1 cm and 50% effaced. They are still going to do an ultrasound at 38 weeks to check things and make sure my body is ready to be induced. If they can get it scheduled, they are going to induce me 2 weeks from tomorrow on Monday, June 30th. The hospital really doesn't like to induce before 39 weeks (I'll be at 38 1/2...about 10 days early- just like with Mollie) but because of when the July 4th holiday falls, it would only be 3 days early if we can't get it scheduled for that week. They're afraid the baby would be too big again if we wait that long. If not Monday the 30th, then Wednesday, July 2nd!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
SO hot!
I know I've had a late summer (August 26) baby before, but this summer just got real hot real fast!! I wasn't quite ready for the mid-90's every day. We have had the hottest June here in 60 years! Plus, it doesn't help that our neighborhood pool isn't open yet!!!! It is usually open Memorial Day weekend, but they're having mechanical and plumbing problems. Hopefully, it will open soon. I had really wanted to go with the girls some before I can't be out for awhile. We've been trying to keep cool with the sprinkler but we all 3 only make it about an hour and we're so hot and ready to come back in! Then I have to fight off them wanting to watch TV all day!!
Here is Mollie in the big ball sprinkler. She has blown up all the pool floats and insists on wearing them even just in the yard. I'd say she's ready for the pool to open too!
We went back to the Splash Pad with a friend, but the girls got tired and "cold" so they just decided to sunbathe! My friend and I (who is also very pregnant) were roasting!
Our VBS started this week in the evenings and they had a big carnival to kick things off Saturday night. Here are the girls sliding down the big inflatable slide. Morgan and Mollie are the 1st and 3rd.

Morgan and her 2 closest school friends from her class on the last day! Ella, Morgan and Jenny
* I'll try to post an update tomorrow! I go for my 36 week appointment in the morning!
Here is Mollie in the big ball sprinkler. She has blown up all the pool floats and insists on wearing them even just in the yard. I'd say she's ready for the pool to open too!
Morgan and her 2 closest school friends from her class on the last day! Ella, Morgan and Jenny
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