Monday, April 26, 2010

Field trips

I want to start by saying that this is what I get for missing Mollie's snack day! I am very visual so I like to have the calendar on the side of the fridge or as soon as I read it, I have to go write it on our home calendar. Somehow this month, I forgot her day. A few days later when I realized it, I apologized to her teacher and said I'd send something in the next day. She then asked me if I'd do an insect snack since they were studying them that week! These are my little butterflies made from celery, pb, raisins and pretzels! Cute, but very time much for the easy granola bars I usually send!

Mollie's class on her field trip to the Nature Sanctuary... she is in the front row on the far right!
...Mollie studying a bee in the hive!
...listening to a bee story. Notice the size difference between her and the others sitting around her!
Morgan during a hike on her field trip.

Me and Morgan hot from hiking!Morgan and her class on the field trip...she's on the ground squinting right in the middle!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love, love, love your butterfly snack! Nutritious, delicious, and AWESOME! :)