Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Funny funny Mollie
We spent last weekend in Birmingham visiting some of Jason's family. On the way, we had to stop to feed Mia and Jason took the girls in to potty and get a snack. They returned with a bottle of some orange drink to share. Well, awhile later (they were watching a movie at the time) Morgan asked for the drink from Mollie and it was nearly gone. She complained and Mollie's response was.."Well, you be not paying attention!" she just drank it all!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mia's first bath
Water Day at church
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Some firsts!!
We went to our first restaurant Friday night with Mia- Olive Garden. All of us just really needed to get out! She screamed on the way, ate as we waited on our table and then slept the rest of the evening, even allowing us to get our usual Friday night ice cream!
It was also my first opportunity to coordinate the girls 3-way!!
On Saturday, Jason was gone golfing but we girls survived, even after our first horrible night the night before. Here we are having an "indoor picnic" as Morgan called it!
Check out their coordinating outfits for church! Mia's just swallows her right now.

Here is a great open-eyed picture of Mia.
On Saturday, Jason was gone golfing but we girls survived, even after our first horrible night the night before. Here we are having an "indoor picnic" as Morgan called it!
Monday, July 14, 2008
We are all adjusting to having little Mia here. She's really not smaller than Mollie was but she just seems smaller. Her head is tiny and she still has little bird legs. I think Morgan and Mollie just had large heads and gained weight faster! I was concerned last week at her 1-week dr appt because she was seriously pooping every 20 minutes...which led to a very red, raw painful bottom! They said it was normal to poop with each feeding but this was a little excessive. Fortunately, she hadn't lost weight, but had only gained 2 oz since we'd been home. We go back again Wednesday (2 weeks) and I hope she's gained some more.
Jason has been a huge help with the big sisters so far. He is at times getting a little stir crazy (we all are!) since he's not used to being home all/most the day. Last week, they went to a movie, to the library to see a magician, out to lunch a couple times, to the driving range to hit golf balls, etc. I think he's finally seeing that they fight and argue less when they get out of the house for a little while. They would be perfectly content just going to the pool every day, but Jason doesn't enjoy it like they do!
Here are some more pictures from the last week or so.
Morgan still loves to hold Mia and will sit for over an hour doing it if she's quiet. I've run out for a couple errands and left her in Morgan's arms (Jason was home too!) and returned to her in the same position!
Mollie holds her too, just not for as long. She just tells me about 10x a day "Mommy, I love my baby sister!" So sweet!
Reading with ALL my girls!!! Morgan and Mollie were getting ready to nap and Mia was already asleep on me!
Wide awake after a bath! Aren't I sweet? And wow, my hair and eyes make me look more like Daddy, but everyone still says I look like my sisters in the face!
Sleeping with Daddy on the couch!
Mollie just cracks me up! She usually doesn't want to get dressed or get her hair fixed until we are going somewhere and have to. But the last couple days, she's been coming downstairs already dressed on her own. And she amazingly is very good at matching!!!! Yes, I've taught her well. This was today's outfit and yesterday she had a red flag 4th of July shirt on with a jean skirt! Matched fine, just past the holiday!

Sunday was national "Take your daughter to the golf course day" so Jason took Morgan to this free golf lesson with some very well known instructor..Nancy ? She had a great time even though she was really supposed to be ages 7-17. They let her come since she's 4 months away and tall. Mollie was VERY upset that she couldn't go so J took them both the the range today!
I love this clip because it looks like she's trying to smile...and then fuss! Check it out!
Jason has been a huge help with the big sisters so far. He is at times getting a little stir crazy (we all are!) since he's not used to being home all/most the day. Last week, they went to a movie, to the library to see a magician, out to lunch a couple times, to the driving range to hit golf balls, etc. I think he's finally seeing that they fight and argue less when they get out of the house for a little while. They would be perfectly content just going to the pool every day, but Jason doesn't enjoy it like they do!
Here are some more pictures from the last week or so.
I love this clip because it looks like she's trying to smile...and then fuss! Check it out!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Baby Mia is here!!!
Mia arrived Wednesday, July 2nd at 3:04 pm. Quick and easy delivery...she weighed 8lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. The ultrasound was way off! She is doing great and seems to be very laid back right now. Let's all pray she stays that way! We're all doing well! Enjoy!
Here is my one and only belly shot from the night before my induction! All in the front...I referred to it as my watermelon!
5:45 am Wednesday morning...leaving for the hospital!
All hooked up and ready to go! The waiting game begins....
Right around lunchtime, the grandparents brought up the girls. They look like they've been here forever, but really they weren't there but an hour or so beforehand. Once my body got ready, Mia arrived VERY quickly!
Right after...laying on the table.
"That was really quick and easy!"
Look at her cheeks!
Does she look more like Jason this time? Her face looks like Morgan's did with her sucked in chin, but she's more the size of Mollie. Her hair is jet black, a little darker and more of it then the first two!
Another baby to be "Papaw's girl!"
Proud grandmothers inspecting the baby!
Check out the girls' faces! Precious. They are so proud and I was smart. I made them both hold her together for the first time so I wouldn't even have to hear "I held her first!" or "She held her first!"
The next day...styling their "Big Sister and Little Sister shirts"
Morgan is constantly asking to hold her! Last night when she came back inside from playing, I said to Morgan that she was dirty....meaning her feet and hands and that she now smelled like outside. I found her later trying to bath herself and wash her hair in the sink so she could hold the baby!
Isn't she sweet in her cradle?
Eyes wide open! bouncy seat!
More's just us now...all the extra grandparent help is gone. Just trying to figure things out!
More's just us now...all the extra grandparent help is gone. Just trying to figure things out!
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