Thursday, November 6, 2008


We went today for Mia's 4 month appointment. I knew she was a little chunk, but didn't realize just how much. She weighed 16lbs 12oz!!!!! My other girls were just 15.6 and 15.1 at this same age! No more kids for us...they just keep getting bigger! You hear of those kids who can't turn the carseat around when they turn 1 because they don't yet weigh 20lbs....we'll be there by 6 months!!!


Unknown said...

She's just getting ready for the winter. :) I'm sure she'll level out once she is crawling and then you'll struggle to get her to gain another pound. Regardless, she is such a cutie... as are all the girls!

Sally said...

Oh my gosh! We'll be the one's struggling to turn the car seat around...Kaelyn on ly gained two ounces since her hospital visit. She's now a whopping 11lbs 8 ozs! oh, and she was born the 9th of August Lori.