Wednesday, June 11, 2008

SO hot!

I know I've had a late summer (August 26) baby before, but this summer just got real hot real fast!! I wasn't quite ready for the mid-90's every day. We have had the hottest June here in 60 years! Plus, it doesn't help that our neighborhood pool isn't open yet!!!! It is usually open Memorial Day weekend, but they're having mechanical and plumbing problems. Hopefully, it will open soon. I had really wanted to go with the girls some before I can't be out for awhile. We've been trying to keep cool with the sprinkler but we all 3 only make it about an hour and we're so hot and ready to come back in! Then I have to fight off them wanting to watch TV all day!!
Here is Mollie in the big ball sprinkler. She has blown up all the pool floats and insists on wearing them even just in the yard. I'd say she's ready for the pool to open too!
We went back to the Splash Pad with a friend, but the girls got tired and "cold" so they just decided to sunbathe! My friend and I (who is also very pregnant) were roasting!

Our VBS started this week in the evenings and they had a big carnival to kick things off Saturday night. Here are the girls sliding down the big inflatable slide. Morgan and Mollie are the 1st and 3rd.

Morgan and her 2 closest school friends from her class on the last day! Ella, Morgan and Jenny* I'll try to post an update tomorrow! I go for my 36 week appointment in the morning!


Anonymous said...

I just showed Ella the photos on here and she loved them. She is begging me to see baby Mia and hold her. She was so excited to see herself with Morgan and Jenny on the last day of school. Best wishes for peace and calm at home. Angie

Lynn said...

Lori and Jason
The baby is adorable, as are the other girls. VEry cute pictures. I love the big girl shirts!!
congratulations on MIa!! Lynn Stewart

Anonymous said...

Oh My God. They all look so sexy lying there on those towels. There asses look so good.
Od love to strip them all naked right there and slide my cock in each one of them.