Wednesday, February 6, 2008


It seems like not a week goes by now that Morgan doesn't call me from school saying she has a headache. Since she's just 6 and loves her teacher and school, we're very concerned about this. She doesn't usually fake things to get out of doing things, so I typically believe her. But when that phone rings and the caller ID says "rutherford county schools," I just cringe! Last week, I took her to the doctor to have them check her over to make sure we weren't missing anything. The last time she had strep, she never complained of her throat, only her head. Well, they found nothing, but think she must have allergies and that would cause the on-and-off headaches. But after that worthless visit, I told her she must have a fever or be throwing up, or she needs to tough it out and make it through the day. I just can't come get her at every little pain! I sound very mean, don't I?
Today, just as Mollie and I were trying to have a late lunch (around 12:30), it happened again.
Me: Hello?
Morgan: Hi, Momma. I have a 99.7 (nothing high, but her normal is around 97). They took my temperature in the office and said so.
Me: Does anything hurt?
Morgan: my head
Jason later called to check on me, since this was the first day since Saturday that I've felt among the living! I told him I just wanted one normal week, with no phone calls to pick anyone up early, or no one (including myself) needing to go to the dr, etc. I can't complain much though. Mollie came home and slept from 1:20-5 when I woke her and Morgan for about 2 1/2 hours. We had horrible storms last night so none of us slept our best.


shari said...

Hey - with Rachael it was stomachaches and we had to figure it out, too. I finally put some ibuprofen in the school office to let her take when she felt bad. Sometimes it gives them a feeling of control. Maybe baby aspirin to help her "feel better?"

Amanda said...

Does she eat a good breakfast? I always hated breakfast and would have to call my mom when I was suddenly sick. Then she made me drink Carnation Instant Breakfast and life was good again.